Sunday, August 20, 2006

One Step forward....

The last 2 weeks have been a whirlwind of activity.

Sebastian continues to improve. He is climbing anything and everything. It doesn't even have to be nailed down. So long as he can get on top of it and it supports his weight, it's fair game. He still gets really frustrated and screeches at the top of his lungs. This may be more from a lack of speaking ability than anything else but it's something that worries us just a bit. Then again he's almost 1 and very independent and still doesn't have the words he needs to tell us exactly how he wants things done.

Is this a glimpse into his later years? Do I have a budding young scientist in my midst?

Right now, Sebastian is working on walking and keeping his right hand open at all times. He tends to drag his left foot, which is more of not actually moving his hip to walk.
The therapist believes that this is just laziness on Sebastian's part. He's able to crawl and climb and he's thinking ,"why do I need to stand or walk. I'm doing just fine like this."
This is our theory anyway.

The good news is that Sebastian continues to improve at record speed. His recovery has been so speedy that his Physical therapist has bumped him down to 1 day a week . If he continues to progress at his current speed with the once a week therapy we will be able to keep the easier schedule and it also means that he will most likely be done with therapy sooner rather than later. So here's hoping that Sebastian continues to improve and make progress.

Speech therapy is going well. Our original therapist is going back to school to teach, so we lose her this week. Her replacement takes over next week. I'm not sure how this will affect us. Will we have more or fewer sessions? That remains to be seen but the current prognosis is that he doesn't really need the speech therapy anymore. It's more proactive and geared towards pushing him ahead.

Occupational Therapy is going the same as physical therapy. He's hit almost all of his goals. If he would just clap with both hands we would probably be able to stop the occupational therapy in the next couple of weeks. Again they are working on getting him ahead of the curve. Right now he is right about where he should be for his age.

Sebastian had his follow-up MRI last week. This was an MRI of his brain to see how he is healing and to help determine what kind of brain damage he may have. We know that he has some damage but it is unclear if this damage will negatively affect him and leave him with some kind of deficit. It's possible that he will have some kind of learning disability or behavioral disability but we won't know for sure until Sebastian starts school and even then we won't know if this is a residual effect from the injury or if he was already set up to have this challenge. There's just no way of knowing. About the only thing we can do is begin to prepare for this issue if we do have to deal with it. It's basically giving up some warm-up/ramp-up time. Time most parents don't get when they begin dealing with these issues in their children.

I'm sure we will know more after we speak with Sebastian's neurologist this coming week. I'm hoping to get some answers and find out when we will be able to take Sebastian off his anti-seizure medication.

Thanks to a very close friend, I now have some other possible theories as to what happened to our little boy. Since no one else seems interested in finding out what happened. The doctors are just happy to call us child abusers and say that we shook Sebastian. Case Closed. God forbid that they might actually be dealing with something that goes against the statistics and delves into the realm of the unknown. So anyway, we have some questions and actions to take to help us find out what may have happened to Sebastian.

It's kind of hard to keep telling friends, family and anyone who asks that we don't know what happened. People look at you like you're hiding something. They think we're lying because we are ashamed of what they think we did. We didn't do this thing we are accused of. We did not shake, hit or injure our baby boy. We didn't see what happened and there's nothing more we can say. We just don't know what happened and no one in the hospital cares to find out what really happened. They are happy claiming we abused our kids.

It's hard but we're just going to take it one day at a time. One day at a time. Sebastian is healing. The therapy is nearing an end. We can see the finish line for Sebastian out in the distance. We aren't close yet but we're getting closer. It's the little things that keep us going and make it possible to keep going....just one day at a time.


Blogger Weldon & Martinique said...

Your wish is granted. Coming up some pictures of the kids. Lots of love, Weldon and Martinique and the kids

September 01, 2006 7:00 PM  

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