Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Therapy Updates

Sebastian is doing great with his 3 therapies. The therapists are working on increasing his sensory perceptions with both arms. It looks like he might have some diminished feeling in his right arm OR it could be that he just doesn't mind the stimulation the therapists are using. Whatever the reason we are erring on the safe side and working on stimulating the feelings and sensations on both his arms and hands.

Sebastian still has moments where he will keep his hand fisted but those are becoming fewer and fewer. The more we work with him and encourage him to use his right hand the less of this behavior we see. The Speech Therapist is very encouraged by his progress and doesn't believe that we will be in therapy for much longer. She wants him to continue his therapy for the time being just in case there is a problem as he is getting ready to talk.

The Physical Therapist is working on teaching Sebastian to walk. We have him crawling on all fours for the most part. He is still commando crawling but that seems to be more of a preference because his shorts are too long. Damn! The Fashionistas and their long shorts. :-) They don't allow for proper knee traction.

The Occupational Therapist is also really pleased with Sebastian's progress. He still isn't eating with his right hand but he is using it to help and that is huge. We will continue to work with her so that Sebastian will eventually use his right hand as well as his left hand to feed himself. It's slow going but we are making progress.

So this week we have been told that Sebastian is doing great. He is recovering at an amazing rate. We just need to be prepared for the eventual slow down in Sebastian's progress. The other concerns we need to begin to looking for are behavioral. We don't know if there will be any behavioral problems but there are things we will need to be looking for in the future.

Now if we can only get the CPS stuff finished and behind us, things will be so much better. We'll see what happens on Friday morning.


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