Friday, July 06, 2007

1 year ago.....

It's been one year now since we almost lost our sweet little boy. He has recovered physically beyond anything we could have hoped for. To look at him now you would never guess that he had such a serious injury 12 short months ago. He is developmentally where he should be. Reaching all his milestones and proving to everyone that doctors and modern medicine don't know everything and in most cases what they don't know outnumbers what they do know.

We are moving forward. Our lives are no longer in limbo or on hold. We still fear that the State will somehow find a way to try to take our kids or charge one of us for a crime we didn't commit. Luckily, that fear is fleeting and with each day that passes we ease up a little more.

We did hear from CPS telling us that they had closed our case but we have yet to get that in writing so as far as we are concerned this isn't finished. CPS has also failed to pay for the medical services and tests they forced upon Rachel. I am so very, very angry that my credit rating is now being affected because CPS and the State of Texas felt it was necessary to torture my daughter needlessly and then sign the Hospital admission papers so that we have very little legal footing on this. I guess I'll be haunted by this for the next 7-10 years.

Our lives are changed. WE are changed but I do hope that we don't lose the good things we had and the gentleness that was prevalent in our family and our kids.

I still get angry and furious and want to scream and cry and lash out at someone when I think of all the things our family has been put through all because a couple of people were too lazy to find out what really happened to our son. We now know things about the doctors that accused us that make us even angrier but thankful that the only impact they had was just emotional abuse and slander. We can recover from that. In fact we are pretty much recovered from it. It's the worst case scenario we couldn't live with that would have probably come true had they actually treated or son instead of reviewing the case after the fact.

So we say thank you to whoever made it possible that these doctor's and nurses were not on shift when Sebastian had to go in and have surgery. Because you know it's very scary when other nurses and doctors tell you that your child would be dead had these other people treated him initially. That is a scary thing to think about.

I still think that I should sue the hospital and the doctors who made the charges and then made mistakes in Sebastian's treatment but I don't think that would make us feel better. Seeing all 3 of our kids laughing and playing together is so much better.

So here we are 1 year later, nothing has changed and yet the whole world has changed. People have asked me to write a book about our experiences. I might. But for right now, I just want to enjoy the fact that I have 3 kids under 4 at home and they are driving their parents crazy as all kids should. Because if they aren't challenging their boundaries and pushing the envelope, then they aren't growing and learning. We just want them to continue to grow and learn and be the best human beings they can be in this messed up world.


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