Monday, December 11, 2006

The Latest CPS Visit

We met with our CPS caseworker on Friday. It was a very quick visit. Basically she just came by to see the kids, as I've said before she's legally required to see the kids every 30 days. She asked if we had any questions for her. Basically our only concern is when is this all going to be over. We're tired of all the invasiveness and the constant defense of ourselves.

She basically told us that they were keeping the case open until after I finished my parenting classes and that we would have another visit in January as a "CYA" for CPS. The current plan is for CPS to come visit again in early January, after our check up visit with the neurologist. They are supposed to close the case after this next visit. Weldon and I are still on edge and still on guard.

We aren't sure why CPS wants to wait until after our visit with the neurologist. We're afraid that this is another one of their stall tactics in hopes of finding proof that they can use to charge us. I know that we are supposed to believe that CPS's objective is to reunite the family but we don't have a lot of faith in the system or in the people running our case. So far nothing they've done has instilled us with any amount of confidence.

On a happier note, Sebastian is doing great. He is now officially off the Phenobarbitol. We have an MRI on the 29th to check on his progress and to see how he is doing. The MRI will tell us if the fluid in his brain has been re-absorbed. If the fluid is still present the neurologist says that he wants to remove it, even though our neurosurgeon feels that this is an unnecessary action. I understand the concern and know that probably in the long run it would be best if the fluid were removed but I just don't want to put the family through another surgery. Even if this new surgery is less risky. I'm not ready to spend any amount of time in the hospital any time soon.

So here's hoping that the new MRI continues to show healing and improvement in Sebastian's brain and that the fluid that has been present has been reabsorbed by his body and another surgery won't be necessary.


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