Tuesday, November 07, 2006

CPS still calling the shots

Last week we met with our CPS caseworker. Nothing new. No changes.
It seems that they were taken by surprise that Weldon's Protective Parenting class was finishing up. They were also not prepared for Sebastian's therapy to be over. Basically they weren't prepared to do anything but leave things they way they have been and forget about us for another month.

It's extremely frustrating to do everything that is being asked of us and then being forgotten. We have asked for the supervision to be lifted. We have asked to have them move things along and get the case closer to being resolved. We are still waiting.

The CPS staff review is today and supposedly our caseworker is going to discuss this situation with her supervisor in that meeting. I have very little faith in the system but I can't help but hope and pray that they lift the Supervision restrictions. It's not fair to any of us that we are still living in this state of limbo. I would really love to be able to let my parents stay home together for the holidays. I'm not sure that my mom can handle not having my dad home for Thanksgiving. I'm not sure my dad can handle the added stress that comes with the holidays and being separated. I'm not sure any of us can handle it with all that's been going on the last half of the year.

I'm getting tired of being ignored and forgotten until the end of the month when our caseworker has to visit our kids and see them. By law she has to see the kids at least once every 30 days. So basically we go about our business and then wait for the call that comes about 5 days before the end of the month so that our caseworker can set up a visit with us.

Anyway, we will hopefully get these restrictions lifted soon. I'm not optimistic that it will happen but I hope that it will. Send some positive thoughts our way today. We could really use it.


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